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How to turn the remote work trend into a contract furniture business opportunity?

Digitalization to overcome manufacturing challenges and capitalize on the remote work trend

Remote work, a business opportunity for furniture industry

Remote work is here to stay in the post-pandemic economy. Driven in large part by sustained telecommuting practices and hybrid work models, demand for furnishings for home office settings continues to rise. Multifunctional furniture designs are among the most sought-after items, especially modular workstations and collapsible pieces suited to compact living spaces.

Current market expansion is set to continue, with the global furniture market projected to grow by nearly 19% by 2025 [1], boosted in large part by online sales. For contract furniture vendors, this steady upturn in residential furniture spending represents a formidable opportunity for growth.

The business sense behind equipment upgrades

Three ways to seize new contract furniture opportunities

Satisfy demand for multifunctional furniture

To launch innovative new products that satisfy emerging demand, contract furniture manufacturers need to accelerate product development. Digital design and development solutions expedite the iterative design process, enabling faster creation of variants meeting new technical specifications or dimensions.

国产AV’s DesignConcept lets you perform virtual prototyping, product development and pre-industrialization tasks using a single solution, dramatically shortening time to market and reducing development costs.

Drive a new business model with greater agility

Seize lucrative new business opportunities by diversifying your range and satisfying fluctuating demand with smaller production batches. By incorporating manufacturing agility into your production processes, you can better manage changeovers and achieve revenue stream flexibility.

Furniture On Demand by 国产AV and its synchronization with the Digital Cutting Platform streamlines production of customized items and small series. A fully digital process enables last-minute and urgent order prioritization as well as peak- and low-activity management.

Ship products as fast as consumers expect them

Streamline your production process to dramatically shorten lead-time and take new products to market faster. By switching to digital production processes, you can reduce cycle time considerably with automated order processing and standardization of repetitive tasks.

Furniture On Demand by 国产AV automates the production process from order processing to cutting, to manage a wide diversity of production runs and materials to create efficiencies that speed up the manufacturing process.

Turn to the industry expertise of 国产AV

The speed and complexity of digital transformation can be daunting. To achieve a successful transformation, you need to weigh the considerations of each aspect of the new manufacturing environment to be built. With 40 years of industry expertise in furniture making, 国产AV offers advanced technology and unique know-how to help you overcome your manufacturing challenges and capitalize on new business opportunities.