Trends & insights

Four ways production dashboards help you optimize fabric furniture production

In today's digital age, data is the lifeblood of any modern manufacturing company. With a dashboard, companies can transform that data into insights they can use to improve production performance.

Production Dashboards: Key to Tracking KPIs and Driving Real-Time Improvements in Manufacturing

As everyone knows, measurement comes before improvement. A production dashboard is an indispensable productivity and efficiency-tracking tool for manufacturers. It provides a visual representation of critcal KPIs--such as cutting time, idle time, number of interruptions and more--in a centralized, online location. Because they are used to track KPIs, they bring the most important information to the forefront, so the right action can be taken by the right worker or decision-maker to adjust whatever is happening right now and make sure future goals are met.

Shine a light on hidden inefficiencies with a digital manufacturing dashboard

Always up-to-date information Cutting room managers, production managers and others need access to up-to-date information and analytics to manage performance and costs. A dashboard allows all stakeholders to find the information they need quickly. Giving the right information to the right person at the right time makes it easier to start improving processes.

Better visibility of production lines

Real-time visibility is crucial for efficient operations. A manufacturing dashboard gives a comprehensive view of production information in a visual, easily understandable format. Clear visualization of your main production KPIs allows you to monitor what's working, what's not, where bottlenecks occur and gives you the ability to compare cutter performance.

Standardize KPI measurement and analysis

The quality of data analysis relies on the quality of the data. Inconsistent or inaccurate data leads to incorrect insights and poor decisions. Automated collection of standardized KPI information eliminates the possibility of human error or subjectivity.

Spot trends and patterns more quickly

A dashboard allows companies to see both current and past production performance, something that is more difficult when using spreadsheets, PDFs or whiteboards to track performance. By analyzing data from a historical perspective, it's possible to compare performance over time and in relation to other parameters relating to production.

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